ExMarkets exchange

View ExMarkets exchange statistics and info, such as trading volume, market share and rank.

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ExMarkets statistics

Statistics showing an overview of ExMarkets exchange, such as its 24h trading volume, market share and cryptocurrency listings.

24h trading volume $ --
Exchange rank --
Cryptocurrencies listed --
Markets --
Market share --%

Top markets

A list of top markets on ExMarkets exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Market 24h volume
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Top cryptocurrencies by markets

There are no cryptocurrencies available for this section.

Top cryptocurrencies by volume

There are no cryptocurrencies available for this section.

About ExMarkets exchange

ExMarkets is a digital asset exchange platform powered by the state-of-the-art trading engine developed in-house. On the exchange, ExMarkets users can trade cryptocurrencies as well as gain the chance to participate in the token sales of the most promising blockchain and crypto projects through ExMarkets Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) LaunchPad. ExMarkets has been operating in the crypto market since the autumn of 2018 and has so far gathered a 160,000 member community that is actively trading on the platform on a daily basis. ExMarkets has hosted more than 60 Initial Exchange Offerings, and generates around $30,000 daily trading volume.

Trading on ExMarkets

It takes only a few minutes to set up your account and users are allowed to make deposits in Bitcoin, Ethereum, other supported cryptocurrencies without paying any deposit or withdrawal fees.

Exchange links

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